Angaben gem. § 5 TMG:
Registergericht: Stendal
Registernummer: HRB 30501
Vertretungsberechtigt Geschäftsführer: Fridolin Franke, Jan Bargel, Jan-Philipp Mai
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach §27a UStG: DE344188936
Anschrift & Kontaktdaten
Paul-Ecke-Straße 4
39114 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49391 25190410
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Are you a solar park operator or producer of solar panels and would like to have your defective panels disposed of in a cost-effective and sustainable manner? Or you operate a private solar system and want to make sure that your panels do not end up as hazardous waste on the landfill?
Please contact us.
Contact Fridolin Franke
Fridolin Franke
Business Development, Operations & Finance
You are interested in our journey as an investor or you have new businesses in mind?
Contact Jan-Philipp Mai
Dr. Jan-Philipp Mai
Strategy & Sales
You want to recycle your solar panels or buy our recyceled raw materials?
Contact Jan-Bargel
Jan Bargel
Technical Development
You want to cooperate on technical aspects or R&D?
Contact Carolin Piers
Media contact
Media Contact
Marketing & Communications
Are you interested in reporting about us?
With SOLAR MATERIALS, you have a certified recycling company for solar panels at your side that combines sustainability and the economic needs of its customers. Recovering 98% percent of the raw materials with our patented recycling process allows us to offer the lowest recycling fee on the market.
Responsibility and efficiency are among our core values, which is why we are committed to providing our customers with a simple, paperless, and legally compliant service.
- We recycle crystalline silicon solar panels
- Solar panels are to be delivered stacked on pallets
- 98% recovery rate of overall panel weight
- Recovery of Glass, Aluminium, Silicon, Silver, Copper and Plastics
Since Oktober 2023 we are officially certified in Germany as Entsorgungsfachbetrieb and Erstbehandlungsanlage (ElektroG/WEEE-Directive) to fulfill all legal requirements for our customers.
Our first recycling plant is in Magdeburg, Germany. With a capacity of up to 3,000 tons per year we showcase our technology on an industrial level, before building more recycling sites with higher capacities in 2024.
Dr. Jan-Philipp Mai
You want to recycle your solar panels or buy our recycled raw materials?
At SOLAR MATERIALS we expect our employees to contribute their own ideas and concepts and to put them into practice. We have great confidence in the interdisciplinary skills of our team. Together, we develop solutions for every challenge. Start your career now.
Company Culture
We take responsibility for ourselves, our team, and our environment. We value time and resources and therefore focus on efficient and far-sighted action. We are driven by a shared vision of revolutionizing the solar energy industry to make a positive impact on our planet.
We always welcome new applications from potential team members who are equally passionate about making a positive impact on our planet.
For us, it’s clear that diversity is what makes us special. It doesn’t matter where you come from, how young or old you are, whether you’re just starting out or already experienced.
Check out our LinkedIn profile to get insights in working at SOLAR MATERAISL.
We are looking forward to receiving your application for the following vacancies and unsolicited applications in the following areas for our location in Magdeburg:
About us
About us
SOLAR MATERIALS is a cleantech startup from Magdeburg, which recycles solar panels. For this purpose, we have developed a new recycling technology that allows for the first time to economically recover all raw materials from solar panels.
Our Vision
We are driven by a shared vision of revolutionizing the solar energy industry to make a positive impact on our planet.
We take responsibility. For making the solar industry circular. For protecting our environment. And for building a thriving world for all. We act proactively to meet future challenges and we are always mindful of our environment. This means, we put tasks and projects into practice with our hands-on mentality, we always try to improve our technology and ourselves and we love to work with people from different backgrounds and cultures. This enables us to solve all challenges flexibly and efficiently.
Company Profile
SOLAR MATERIALS GmbH was founded in June 2021. Our headquarter in Magdeburg is home to our management and R&D department as well as our first automated recycling line.
While we started as a research & development company, we transform ourselves into a certified solar panel recycling company in 2023.
To date, we have raised over 3 million euros in venture capital. With bmp Ventures, First Imagine! and Katapult we are proud to have three excellent investors who share our vision of a circular solar industry and to build a thriving world for all!
The founders of our company Fridolin Franke, Jan Bargel and Dr. Jan-Philipp Mai met at the TU Braunschweig and have been working on the development of our recycling process for solar modules since 2020.
Our founding team combines business operations, engineering skills and over a decade of market knowhow, and they are driven by a shared vision of revolutionizing the solar energy industry to make a positive impact on our planet.
“Das Grundvertrauen und die Möglichkeiten mich zu entfalten, kenne ich von keinem anderen Arbeitgeber.”
T. Hauck
“Was soll ich woanders? Ich bin doch schon beim coolsten Arbeitgeber gelandet”
A. Singh
“My first international exposure in a working environment is Solar Materials where I experienced that my self growth is relying with company’s growth.”
Partners & Networks
Over the years, we have built a strong network of industrial and scientific partners in the fields of solar, raw materials and engineering. Our core partners and networks include:
Join us for truly green energy
Clean solar energy must include solar panel recycling when they reach their end of life. They are an important source of raw materials, and keeping these materials in the cycle is crucial to meet the growing demand for sustainable and affordable solar energy.
The front glass of a solar module serves to protect the cells from environmental influences and accounts for around 70% of the total mass. Through our patented recycling process, we recover the glass in high purity to be used as container glass with the goal to reach solar glass quality later on.
Aluminum is found in solar panels primarily in the frame and accounts for about 15% of the mass. We feed the recovered aluminum to large aluminum smelters. This saves about 95% energy compared to newly recovered aluminum.
Silicon is the technical heart of a solar panel. It converts the radiant energy of sunlight into electricity through the photoelectric effect. The silicon we recover is processed into pure silicon by our partner Circular Silicon.
Silver makes up only about 0.1% of the total mass of the solar panel but is the most valuable raw material inside a solar panel. It is located on the front and back of solar cells and serves there as an electrical conductor. After recycling, the silver can be purified and used again for technical applications.
The busbars and the connecting cables of a solar panel contain 1% copper by mass. Like most metals, copper can be 100% recycled. New cables or conductors can be made from the recovered copper.
Various plastics are processed in solar panels. The most used plastics are EVA and PVF. In general, plastics make up about 9% of the total mass. Plastics are generally difficult to recycle, but we are always looking for new uses that are far from thermal recycling (incineration).
Although silver makes up only 0.07% of the mass of a solar panel, it accounts for almost 50% of the value of the materials. We have made it our goal to not only meet the legal requirements of an 85% recycling rate, which can be achieved by recovering glass and aluminum, but to recover all raw materials.
- Pure grade aluminium alloys
- Container quality glass
- Our secondary raw materials have up to 95% less energy consumption than primary raw materials
- 80% lower carbon footprint than primary raw materials
Dr. Jan-Philipp Mai
You want to recycle your solar panels or buy our recycled raw materials?
Solar recyclingrevolutionfor real green energy.
Our Vision
We are driven by a shared vision of revolutionizing the solar energy industry to make a positive impact on our planet.
With our patented recycling technology, we recover 98% of raw materials in silicon solar panels. With thermo-mechanical processes we automatically separate the different components of solar panels from each other. Our technology works like a reverse production instead of the classical shredding and sorting approach of the recycling industry.
We focus particularly on the economic recovery of silver and silicon as well as high-quality glass. Further recovered raw materials are aluminium, copper and plastics. Our energy-efficient process works without any chemicals, which makes our recycling especially resource-efficient.
By using our secondary raw materials, we save 3.1 tons of CO2e per ton of recycled solar modules compared to the use of primary raw materials.
The front glass of a solar module serves to protect the cells from environmental influences and accounts for around 70% of the total mass. Through our patented recycling process, we recover the glass in high purity to be used as container glass with the goal to reach solar glass quality later on.
Aluminum is found in solar panels primarily in the frame and accounts for about 15% of the mass. We feed the recovered aluminum to large aluminum smelters. This saves about 95% energy compared to newly recovered aluminum.
Silicon is the technical heart of a solar panel. It converts the radiant energy of sunlight into electricity through the photoelectric effect. The silicon we recover is processed into pure silicon by our partner Circular Silicon.
Silver makes up only about 0.1% of the total mass of the solar panel but is the most valuable raw material inside a solar panel. It is located on the front and back of solar cells and serves there as an electrical conductor. After recycling, the silver can be purified and used again for technical applications.
The busbars and the connecting cables of a solar panel contain 1% copper by mass. Like most metals, copper can be 100% recycled. New cables or conductors can be made from the recovered copper.
Various plastics are processed in solar panels. The most used plastics are EVA and PVF. In general, plastics make up about 9% of the total mass. Plastics are generally difficult to recycle, but we are always looking for new uses that are far from thermal recycling (incineration).
- 98% recovery rate
- Saves 3.1 tons CO2e per ton recycled solar panels
- Robust thermo-mechanical technology
Challenge & Motivation
The solar industry is booming. Until now, over 100 million tons of solar panels have been installed worldwide. The expansion is expected to multiply by 2030, which will increase the demand for raw materials in the future. The solar industry already consumes over 10% of global silver production. At the same time, the recovery rate for silver and silicon from solar panels has been 0%.
So far, the high-quality solar glass has only been recovered in poor quality and is therefore only used as foam glass or as a filler in construction materials. Until now, no commercial recycling process can economically recover all raw materials from solar panels. We have taken this as an opportunity to develop a technologically and economically leading recycling process.
Our Mission
About us
SOLAR MATERIALS is a cleantech startup from Magdeburg, which recycles solar panels. For this purpose, we have developed a new recycling technology that allows for the first time to economically recover all raw materials from solar panels. Our thermo-mechanical process is energy-efficient and chemical-free. Our goal is to transform the solar industry into a circular economy and thus make solar energy truly green!
Partners & Networks
Over the years, we have built a strong network of industrial and scientific partners in the fields of solar, raw materials and engineering. Our core partners and networks include:
German minister for Economic Affairs and Climate protection meets technology leader in solar recycling
SOLAR MATERIALS to build first automated recycling line for solar (PV) panels with investment from bmp Ventures, Katapult & First Imagine!
July 17, 2024
SOLAR MATERIALS increases the company’s annual recycling capacity to 10,000 tons
SOLAR MATERIALS to build first automated recycling line for solar (PV) panels with investment from bmp Ventures, Katapult & First Imagine!
July 5, 2024
Intersolar Europe 2024
It's time! Connect with us in Munich from tomorrow until friday at Intersolar München.
June 21, 2024
EIC Accelerator
SOLAR MATERIALS receives up to 6.6 million EUR from EIC Accelerator program!
November 2, 2023
Intersolar Europe 2023
It's time! Connect with us in Munich from tomorrow until friday at Intersolar München.
June 14, 2023
Hugo Junkers Preis 2023
Yesterday we came in second in the special category „Innovativste Projekte aus dem Bereich Energie- und Umweltforschung“ at the Hugo Junkers Preis 2023 🎉 ✨
June 8, 2023
Seed Funding Round 2023
SOLAR MATERIALS to build first automated recycling line for solar (PV) panels with investment from bmp Ventures, Katapult & First Imagine!
March 9, 2023
Katapult Accelerator 2022
SOLAR MATERIALS is in the top 23 impact tech startups to receive investment from Katapult group this fall. 🚀
October 1, 2022
If you would like to join the recycling revolution in solar, please contact us!
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